the best smart lock

6 Features to Look for in the Best Smart Door Lock

Raise your hand if you have ever lost your door keys at least once or even more times. We all have been there. We know the feeling of anxiety that fills your body once you realize you might have to spend the night outside. Who should you ask for help? Will you need to break down your door? Hopefully not!

Smart locks are becoming more popular for this reason and more. With a smart door lock you can forget the keys as many times as you want. You’ll still have access to your home just like always.

Another great feature of smart door locks is that they can protect your property from intruders of all sorts. And not, we’re not only talking about burglars, but also about intrusive relatives giving you a surprise visit all of a sudden.

 smart house lock

In other words, a smart lock ensures that you’ll no longer need to rush home to make sure the door is locked. You can see everything you need to check through the smart door app remotely. You’ll also not need to call a locksmith or climb in through the window to get inside your home. You can also grant guest access through the app in case someone like a friend, housekeeper, or AirBnB guest needs to get inside.

Smart locks often come with great features, like auto-unlock and motion sensors. However, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the many options available online. Before you get lost and give up your search, keep reading this article to discover what are some of the main features to look for in a smart door lock.


What Makes for the Best Smart Door Lock?
Of course, there’s rarely such a thing as a perfect product. It all depends highly on your needs and budget. But in case you’re wondering what a kind-of-perfect smart door lock should look like, here are a few factors to take into account:

1. Long Battery

Smart locks are devices operated by a battery. Just like with many other battery-powered devices, make sure to check how long is the expected battery life of the models you are comparing. Even better if this smart door lock is designed to show an indication of remaining battery life. This way, you don’t need to worry about being locked out with a dead smart lock battery.


As the name suggests, a smart door lock is made to auto-unlock your door once you get home. But what if you could set it to unlock once your smartphone arrives at the front door. That would be incredibly convenient, especially when your arms are filled with groceries or with a sleeping child. Then, all you will have to do is to turn the handle and go in.

3.High Compatibility

When it comes to building a smart home, your smart door lock should follow the Musketeers' motto of “one for all, all for one”. It should be compatible with other smart home systems. Imagine being able to set up specific commands at the end of the day, like locking the doors, closing the garage door, powering the alarm system, lowering the temperatures, and turning off the lights. All at once, directly from your smart home app.

4.Keys and Fobs

While it’s indeed convenient to not use keys when you have a smart door lock, at times you might still need to use them. An example might be when you forgot to recharge the battery of your smart door lock and now you’re blocked out. That’s why we recommend looking for a model that allows for the use of a traditional key. If you’re one of those who regularly find themselves staring at a cell phone with 2% power remaining, you might want to look for a smart door lock that offers a key fob as a backup plan. Finding yourself being stuck on the porch with no way to get in is not exactly the ideal way to spend one’s time.


When it comes to security, prevention is always better than the cure. You might want to consider the option of a smart door lock with security alerts. You definitely want to know if your door has been tampered or if it was left open.

6.Lock Codes

Life’s unpredictable. Sometimes your home appliances break all of a sudden and you need to allow the technician in just while you’re at work. In these scenarios - and many more - you’ll realize how important it is to rely on a smart door lock with lock codes that can be created in the app. This way, you’ll be able to share the door lock code with others, wherever you are.

 the best smart lock


What Else?

We hope this article was useful in shedding some light on the main features that make for the best smart door lock.

Smart locks are extremely useful. They can boost your life’s convenience and security. Not only they keep thieves out of your home, but they also track who’s going inside or leaving. Locks with fingerprint sensors will let you know if the kids come home within a designated time. Some models can also self-lock in case you forget to do it yourself. Others can automatically unlock themselves as you approach the front door.

Whether the feature that you like the most, smart door locks are one of the best investments that you can make this year. Take, for example, the Smonet smart door locks, which are available in two series.

Our smart door locks are designed to offer you the maximum security with their intuitive OLED display, zinc alloy body, and long battery life. You can choose between the SMUS-AM and the SMUS-MD. The first one has Wi-Fi connectivity, while the second one has Bluetooth connectivity. They can both be connected to Alexa, so that you can make your home much smarter.